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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 5, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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and >> if you are willing to work with me again and make some phone calls for me. turned out for me. >> this is a campaign about americana and what we are going to leave for their children. we ask that we call all the way until we win tomorrow night. the bus some say that this could be ending on a messy note. with lawsuits over the reduced hours and florida. some people have not had a chance to cast a ballot and the provisional four ohio. they say that the ohio election is so tight that it could come down to perhaps one week. that is when they have
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passed for absentee ballot. and there is the storm. they are delivering a balance to emergency sections. some of these lines have been unusually long. let us take a look at illinois. they are nearly doubling the usual. >>pam: take a look of how close the presidential contest this. right now, it is in a statistical dead heat. 49 percent support president obama and the same support mitt romney. fazan grant lotus. >> at least 270 that would
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needed to win. the red states here are safely romney or cleaning romney. the blue states are safely obama, or legal,. these yellow states, and the key swing states. still too close to call. here are a couple of scenarios that would lead to a robber the victory. let's say romney takes florida victory possible. that gives him a florida and ohio. key as the amount of a 266. however, what happens if mitt romney does not get ohio? look at how difficult it is to get without getting ohio. he would still take colorado, ohio, and wisconsin. and he could possibly get wisconsin
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putting him at 273. interesting scenarios is coming up at six rules for the path to victory for president obama. and speaking of winning, we've a poll of our facebook orphea page. fan and-on or fan page. you can go to our fan page and will have those results later in the show. >> today is the last date for early ballots for the 2012 on a decision tuesday. today some people tell kron 4 haazig madyun that this is what the would like to avoid. >> at the alameda registers of as they are getting here early to cast their votes. >> why are you here so early? >> because i could see that it was so close. and i knew that i had to get out here and vote early.
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>> there is been a lot of efforts from prevent people from voting. so i just wanted to make sure to get out here and get it done. >> the process was easy at the registrar of voters. the lines are not long is easy and air-conditioned. >> we were open for early voting saturday, sunday. and we had a couple of thousand people. we are essentials like a polling place. 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. tomorrow. if you cannot get to your regular polling place feel free to come in here and vote. >> in oakland haazig madyun kron 4. >> california gov. jerry brown is making a final swing to the state pushing proposition 30. that is his
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temporary tax measure and that funding education and preventing another round of budget cuts. among his stops in a, san francisco. >> it was here that the governor and a variety of well-known politicians are making their final push in favor of proposition 30. it is backed by the governor and the teachers' union raising the income tax proposition 30's goes into the general fund and least for the issue will be felt towards education. 4312, agitation and universities. teachers say that it could be devastating for teachers if it did not pass. >> in the past if we did not see this past week could see
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people disappearing. >> not everybody is an support of proposition dirty. many people have been at defeating the initiative in the tax increases. >> this would be the highest taxed state in the nascen natio. this is only going to drive more jobs and people out of the state. it could decrease revenue. we need to attract businesses back to this to the california. >> coming up a full report with what every body else had to say at this rally. dan kerman, kron 4. >> as a reminder we will have extended live coverage on election night. it all starts at 8:00 p.m. you can also stay updated on all our website and facebook and twitter.
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>> and how about this weather? it is unusually warm. >> people were out in join these blue skies. this was an near at&t park. it was a lovely day and even hot in some areas. >> yes. >> it is definitely hot hotter than what we usually see that is why there were a record temperatures oakland, we have broken several degrees. that is for downtown 84 degrees. still pretty mild, with 70's and half moon bay and through the inland valleys through the south bay and a mild
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evening tonight we could see some clear conditions but their critique some chances of fog returning is might very much offshore but if it does return it will be very slight. cooler temperatures i will tell you all about it, coming up. >>pam: lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley has been found guilty. that teacher, craig chandler is facing charges of committing lewd and lascivious acts on five children. and a crime lab found his scene and on a classroom chair. rob fladeboe has more. >> it took two da another four hours on monday before this jury of seven men and
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five women returned the verdict. it was at 3:30. lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley showed no commotion as she was found " guilty " for failing to report a teacher's suspected of sexual abuse. >> we think that this is correct and she needed to be held accountable and we needed to send a message to the rest of the minotaur reporters in our community that there are obligations to report. not to investigate. >> he is in jail on suspicion of molesting five second graders. lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley could spend six months in jail but she received $100 in fines and 100 hours of community service. rob fladeboe, kron 4. >>catherine: decision 2012
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countdown until the election. and michael yaki is here we will talk about this very tight race coming up after the break. >> coming up gabe slate tech report one of these critical websites for the election. it will tell you quickly and easily what candid it will be a better suit for your financial needs to read what candid it... candid it what current candidate....
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oq [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>this just in to the kron 4 news room this police pursuit has ended in oakland this is a video that just entered the news room. this is 24th street and myrtle street not far from west grand and the market. we are still working to get details but that white sedan.. are not sure about the details but we will bring them to you just as soon as we get them. >> decision 2012 with president obama making the final big push the election is tomorrow and it is really tight. michael yaki is joining us. do you think we will even know who the winner will be? >> ohio is the deciding state. during that margin of
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victory if it is under 200,000 votes than-is would have to be really close. >> and i think that each candidate were to could do is trigger a recount. i think that a recount is probably more likely scenario. with fewer than the just one-half percentage point in each state is going to be close. you can demand a recount. >> it looks like that could happen and for not is messy many people are angry. and they were saying that it was not long enough. reliever rumbles. >> and absolutely. curly- rumbles. early. early impact voting. is that better for oakland it? >> historic we put in 2008
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it was great for president obama. this time they are not going to be caught by surprise still or the vantage is going towards obama. i think ohio there is a concern over the deficit debate on election day. >>catherine: who are these people that are undecided? >> i did not know even they are going to vote. instead, there are people out there campaigning that are going to get out to the vote to. for the likely or somewhat likely voters to get to the polls. >>catherine: this is going to be so much fun! >> i cannot wait. >> we will let you enjoy and michael yaki .com >>pam: one of the political websites caddis this
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polidify and most voters' minds it tries to offer an easy way to quickly tell which candid it would be better for a new personal financial situation. like who could make somebody wealthy? it started in berkeley with a uc grabbed. gabe slate tech report you seegraduate. a uc graduate. >> these questions determine what candid icandidate will add to your net income. the bottom line is that if only kerry about money, this would be a great item. >> we look at the entire
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candid its planned with policy and spending policy and we look at every single tax credit that the candi date look at each item, the spending plan and each item. reallocate it for your households in your community hall it would impact your community at large. >> and why you do this while be part of a website that is all the going to be popular during the election? >> i saw that many people were comparing the look of the candidate.. the of. your variables so we've already got into million heads for this website. >> how accurate? >> there is really no room to fudge the numbers we're
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already received 2 million hits... it is a bit more controversial use the general accepted of think tanks. this is a very simple fashion if there person propos a cut to education the double impact of and household that has to children. gabe slate tech report >>pam: as a reminder we will have extended coverage 8:00 p.m. and also stay updated with facebook and twitter. >>jacqueline: we have a gorgeous day. for the election day and take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we are seeing clear skies it has led to warmer temperatures this afternoon as the warm, dry air is taking over the forecast, temporarily. '70s, '80s. that was a new record. and at the airport that was also
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a new record with 84 degrees in redwood city. 79 degrees in livermore. the satellite showing that it is well to the north and we do have clear conditions in the bay area but this going to break down with the next several days. rainfall for the next couple of days with wednesday, thursday. take a look @ tomorrow with a sunny skies. more clouds and cooler temperatures. the rainfall will be concentrated on thursday but some computer models are reporting is very early. but notice, that huge cool down. temperatures only in the 50s and 60s. first, let us talk about tomorrow. temperatures will be ranging with 50s through the north bay 60s south to the golden gate. '70s nearly everywhere. and 80s expected for the inland valleys and in the south
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bay. let us take a look at neighborhood by neighborhood. 80s to cupertino and for the inland valleys it will be made the 70's as well. 80s in pleasanton, and 70's for the east bay shore and along the coast temperatures are going to be cooling for the afternoon with a sea breeze is picking up. ocean beach and perhaps by noon-1:00 p.m. it could cool with a mixture of '70s and '80s in the north bay. with your extended forecast nice, warm and cooler on wednesday and thursday. the chance of rainfall continue its to return to the forecast with drier conditions. >>pam: checking the monday traffic at the golden gate is pretty heavy. north bound, southbound, the headlights with the sun already setting and it is pretty heavy wheat will keep an eye on this with more news, coming up. we will
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keep an eye on the s
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this time tomorrow, the dust will be saddling. we could be looking at four more years of president obama. or four years of mitt romney and paul ryan. we ask you on face back and overwhelmingly the majority voted that president obama will have a victory. and 5 percent think that governor romney will have a plant site. landslide. ae electoral college, this is for each candidate receives 269 is possible. but it was not popular and of our voting polls and who says that nobody is going to impact anything that was 7% of what people think we will be right back thank you for
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participating on kron4's facebook fan page. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. heading into the holidays you look for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, get a super low price on tide, $10.99 for 100 ounces. 12 rolls of bounty are $11.99. that's a dollar a roll!
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and charmin is $11.99 for 30 rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> today is the man that is accused of smashing of the front window of a a public muni bus he was in court. what he had to say. >> the giants fan that was beaten up the night that the giants won the world series speaks out. >> these people are idiots and cowards. >> we will hear more of this story, coming up.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. the of theas if >>pam: no at 5:30 the man was in court today accused of vandalizing that muni bus. tonight we of team coverage we will hear from a man that was beaten when he tried to stop the criminals.
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and kron 4 has latest on the investigation. >> today, 22 year-old gregory granice was in court. he was very quiet. the only words he said was " not guilty his lawyer did most of the talking. >> he hung his head and looked visibly upset is to walk out of a court room. this was in sharp contrast to what police say he looked like at the night the giants won the world series. this was a picture from a san francisco preble photographer. tonight he has pled it quoted not guilty. and to his the san francisco-chronicle for crop photograph ? >> that he says that he is very sorry and he hopes that san francisco could find it in his words to forgive. >> it is nice to hear that he is apologetic but
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unfortunately we of billy $1 million in damages. he was part of that group. we have people that were on that bus. >> district attorney says that an apology is not enough. he spoke at a press conference said that this investigation is only getting started. >> we have to send a very clear message that you come to some princess could to celebrate what if you come here to destroy things, your going to pay. you are going to be held responsible. >> the last thing i remember
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was rushing into that crowd of people. and they were smashing the boss and relating it on fire. i.e. just from our pushing and pulling in trying to get in between people saying that we do not do this. from out of know where i got punched. >> he then fell to the ground and was kicked by people in the crowd. this is a picture of some of the injuries sustained from that beating. >> concussions, a broken nose and some broken teeth. >> he took this precaution because he was worried about the people on that muni bus. >> you see that people could have been in danger and you just cannot think. you just do. it was a clear disrespect. there are idiots and courts. >> some good has come to
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simon's like getting a front row seat at the giants parade celebration in city hall. tuesday, he will receive recognition from muni. >> tons of support from strangers it is great. if anything is good that is going to come out of this is that people know that they can make a difference. if they see something wrong taken a step and now. >> maureen kelly, kron 4. >>pam: more bad news for kron 4 moody that the damage will not be covered by their insurance. that is $700,000 damage and it had $300,000 and recent upgrades. that means that muni will have to pay for the entire thing. >> this magic touch salon in pleasant hill. this was set on fire. and who would want to do this? >> this is the aftermath.
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and as you can see the fire destroyed newly everything inside. it is being called an act of arson because of this molotov cocktail because of a career in a bottle. the exact cause is under investigation of this- corona beer bottle they are going to search for fingerprints at the fire broke out around 11 sunday night. no one was around but there was a person sleeping inside the massage parlor bush was not injured. police tell kron 4 news, they are in the early stages of their case as they try to figure out why someone would want to torch the salon. they say the owners are being cooperative we have learned that the owners opened the shop about 1.5 years ago on their facebook fan page they advertised specializing
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nails and custom air designs. the bartender says the owners were several young women and put a lot of time and effort remodeling. they are working last night. >> did you hear anything? >> duno these girls? >> yes. >> what are they like? >> they are nice sometimes they come in and have a couple of drinks. the are you shocked? >> absolutely, it is crazy and random. just crazy. >> pleasant hill, terisa estacio, kron 4. >> this gas leak caused this temporary gas leak along the embarcadero evacuation. san francisco firefighters a public utility screw ruptured the gas line. the leak was calf is less than one hour. >> this deadly crash in vasco road one of these cars
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caught on fire we can see that this is right before 2:00 p.m. one person died in the collision. no word on what could have cost iraq. >> fremont police shot and killed a man in a domestic violence. they arrived on the scene to find the band naked chasing a woman with a knife. half >> did you see that police yellow tape? that 37 year- old was shot 11-11:30 last night it was not the wife it was the roommate. police officers that is when they noticed he was outside and naked. and he was brandishing a knife. the police told him to drop the knife and the officers felt threatened and opened fire. he was taken to hospital and later died. at this point we
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know that he is a father of two children. and neither the roommate, the wife or the police officers were injured. talking to neighbors they are upset with the roommate. they did not hear any arguing before the police officers were called. perhaps the roommate was the person that overreacted. fremont, will tran, kron 4. >> an estimated 7000 grocery store workers from raleys and knob hill went on strike today after 15 months of the contract negotiations. this was after they submitted what it called last week's best and final contract proposal or is there today. the union also filed an unfair labor practice complaint on thursday. however officials
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rejected the allegations both food groups have more than two dozen stores located in the bay area. >>jacqueline: more activity in the bay area with almost perfect conditions. it was nearly 79 degrees in half moon bay. and 84 in santa rosa. and in fact coast to areas set record temperatures. also at sfo, oakland as we mentioned santa rosa as mentioned. with the record tie amounted to. it will still be warm tomorrow but big changes what we can expect. >>catherine: we've been hearing a lot about the power problems after storm sandy and also long lines for mass transit. this was the scene in new jersey. a
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huge delays. just one-fifth of the trends are running. and a lot of ongoing gas shortages. this is now impacting the state of connecticut. they are trying to go to get fuel from new york, new jersey going into the state of connecticut. and even price gouging on gasoline but there are also reports of the costs of groceries. the law prohibits sharp increases and even delicatessens and taxicabs toward >> the death of that two year-old and pittsburgh after he fell into the exhibit of african wild dogs. the mother put the child on a railing and the toddler was killed by the animals. the zoo workers had fired darts and the staffers
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did not rush into that exhibit because she said it would not have helped. >> the question came to office of white that the staff:and. it was too dangerous and a determined almost immediately to call the veterinarian to address the medical knowledge to know that it was not going to help. >> the officials say that there is a net but he bounced off of is it and into the enclosure. stay with us, more news
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oq [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers.
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blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>pam: today's market update. with some slight updates here are the numbers. the dow was up by 19 points in uncertainty abroad tomorrow's election will prevent investors from making big moves. and also
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the s&p 500 with just over three points. >> we are watching to winners and losers today with rob black talking about and that flexed icahn.. he adopte pill and not to say that they will not be able to take shareholders on to was message but i think it has to be put on international growth. and sell to perhaps a larger company like verizon, apple, and a son or a whoever could potentially by that or even for a rise in court and the sound. they had a good growth model but it has been grown down. they could possibly sell to and the sand the su >> and tesla has had to
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stocks higher today on the news of a $100 million manufacturing numbers and it is a shareholder i would be very very cautious. >> watching apple we did not see those huge lines but they have sold 3 million? in just three days. >> they also and reduce the ipad for when they introduce the ipad mini it seem to they also dead introduced the ipad number four, but two also introduced the ipad mini. it seems to be a little bit of a cover-up. 3 million in one week. perhaps they are finally making some mistake mistakes. and people are starting to realize to the rush this product out? to the have management products
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problems? >> and with the next product launch we could see how that happens. >> perhaps something with television and purchase netflix. >> taylor this lefswift.... herd was a financial adviser. she is 22 years old. she is worth 160 monday in$165 million >> and you can catch rob black on our new 247 channel. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and on digital 4.2. >>jacqueline: it was a gorgeous day today we broke some of records and we're still on the mild side. '70s. some places are in the '70s like half moon bay, 68. still, 74 and concord,
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livermore and sunnyvale. he satellite and radar showing clear skies. thursday, is one will see a breakdown of that pattern. overnight mostly clear but that fog close to the coast. sunny and warm and even cooler on thursday with the rainfall returning. first, let us talk about tomorrow's temperatures another nice day. widespread temperatures in the 40's, 50's, '60's and near the golden gate. by noon, not much different with 70's again. with 80s dispersed. not much changes for the high temperatures. with the morning lows 47 in napa, 49 and the '50s in hayward. the 84 in hayward with a nice day expected
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with-54 degrees expected to start in hayward. 79 degrees in san jose. and a mixture of '70s and '80s. 78 in concord in the east bayshore. temperatures in the 60s for the most part but once those sea breeze continue we will see those sea breezes cooling. ocean beach. another nice day with a very close range of record temperatures. temperatures will be going down significantly on thursday. only in the '50s as the go towards friday. lingering rainfall thursday and friday. >>pam: checking the monday traffic at the san mateo bridge it is heavy. east bound, westbound the headlights are going towards hayward. pretty heavy east
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bound, westbound on this commute our we will be back.
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>>catherine: donald trump is being offered 01 billion dollars to shave his head. this is from mark cuban. the owner of the dallas mavericks. he says health tonic $1 million to charity if donald trump cuts off that hair. he recently donated $5 million to charity president obama produced his college transcripts. stay with us
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with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through.
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actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. >>pam: complete coverage of the presidential campaigns at 6:00 p.m. and the state prepositions that could
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impact california schools and a verdict is reached in the trial against a south a principal accused of not reporting a teacher to police who allegedly lost a reporting a teacher to police who allegedly lost a ilchen. [ male announcer ] start with an all new award winning car. good. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it. highlight the european chassis, 6 speed manual, dual exhaust, wide stance, clean lines, have him floor it, spin it, punch it, drift it, put it through its paces, is he happy? oh ya, he's happy! [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy.
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. heading into the holidays you look for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, get a super low price on tide, $10.99 for 100 ounces.
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12 rolls of bounty are $11.99. that's a dollar a roll! and charmin is $11.99 for 30 rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. (male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >>pam: tonight at 6:00 p.m. the future of education in california will soon be decided by voters. two propositions on the state ballot. one of them is proposition 30. which has the backing of gov. jerry brown. if proposition 30 fails, it would force the state to immediately cut an
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additional $6 billion from the budget. trading massive cuts to education. $5.4 billion would be cut from k- 12 education. that could lead to a shorter school year. and $500 million from the cut to public universities. and possibly more tuition increases. dan kerman is live with more details. >> it was not just co owner jerry brown it was diane feinstein, willie brown and they're all here with the same message. if they are unsure if you are unsure? the answer should be yes. >> governor brown has been pitching because he needs everybody else to play at this best are we going to do it? >> yes. >> what can be described as a pep rally for proposition 30. they assembled a who's
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who of california's top democrats to make the case for passing the temporary tax measure. >> i want to say to anybody else there if you are wavering ple please vote yes. i believe the future of this state depends. >> yes on proposition 30 the only that is going to stop the sixpenny dollar hit it to our public schools and universities this $6 billion hit -- that is the only thing that is when to stop this expense in dollar hit. >> proposition 30 is about the kids, it is about the california dream. let us take this great opportunity to show the people on the east coast and that the people that said california is a field state. california it is a state of the future. california is a possibly field state however, not a failed if you failed...-. if
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we vote " yes " on proposition 30. >> however many people have been defeating this because of the tax increases. >> this is a tax increase is not the answer right now when we have the incredible unemployment numbers and a state that is not attracting jobs. tax increases are only going to make matters worse. >> in terms of the temporary tax increases one-quarter of 15 per sales-tax on for years and the increase of seven years that are making over one quarter million dollars. this campaign need all it can get it is leading however it still does not have the 50 +% that it needs to pass. there are many undecided. they need those to vote " yes " if it is going to pass. reporting
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live, dan kerman, kron 4 news. >>catherine: decision 2012 the candidates have been campaigning at a creasy pace. they have been fighting crifatigue and there are also saying that they can do more. >> both are campaigning in states that they need to win in ohio and both candidates are calling on star power with bruce springsteen for president obama and both men are predicting the winner will see which could be getting the most supporters. >> if you are willing to work with me again and make some phone calls. and turned out for me. >> this is a campaign about america of the future the we're going to leave your children. we thank you and ask them until we win tomorrow night.
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>> as for things wrapping up tomorrow night this could have a messy ending. with anchor and threatening lawsuits with the reduced window with-ancho in greek--boah angry -- voting with angry voting polls that could shut down early in the state of florida. also, there is the hurricane factor. this is delivering ballots to emergency shelters to try to make cody as manageable as possible. we have been talking about early voting they have really been a very long this is cook county, illinois. they have set a record. with applications
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jumping 40%. other places with long lines include ohio and that is where grant lotus is explaining or that is going to be one of the key states for victory. >> that is correct. we showed you possibly paths and also of the president can get the 270 electoral votes to wed. their red states are likely to vote for runny and the others you can see ohio. it is key. if he has victory in ohio all he has to do is perhaps just get victory in wisconsin. and if he gets ohio and one other state? like iowa, and then, new hampshire and again that is 8271 that is a
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271... however, let us say that he did not get ohio. all would have to would to get a big upset in the state of florida. florida is that big but it romney is favored. it is not a certainty. let us say that if mitt romney got florida and he also cut virginia. and mitt romney would take ohio that could be huge but he is still at not enough. the president could take wisconsin, iowa, colorado and new hampshire. and still beat romney. we could do this all day there are several scenarios one thing is that it is going to be very close. we will be tracking it tomorrow night. >>pam: new tonight contra costa election officials are hard at work telling the male and ...mail in these
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are already being counted in contra costa county. >> we have been working all weekend to get these tallied. >> they send out 310,000 boat by mail ballots. 185,000 have been tallied and put in boxes with more on the way. the mobile connect 40,000 tomorrow. >> to keep the ballots from jamming the machines they use a pipe roller to smooth out and the bridges. there are also ways to fix these. >> coffee can be used it looks like a vote. we have to remake it. balance that are torn. or get chewed up and sometimes. >> it takes two people to
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transfer information from the ballot. >> with people milling in the ballast just remember one thing. >> if you cannot get it to us it does not count. make sure it that it is your account and your count votes your vote counts. >> this is a guilty verdict lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley she did not report a teacher of alleged molestation. rob fladeboe. >> she... lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley dab at her eyes with a tissue but showed no emotion as she was found
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guilty of failing to report a teacher of sexually molesting several female students. outside the courthouse a handful talked- about the jury after two days of deliberations. >> when you have the responsibility you cannot afford to drop the ball she got a horrible advice from human resources she had a suspicion in she did not act on it. >>reporter: correct chandler is in jail right now awaiting trial. grecorrect ..craig chandler for things in side of their mouth. and at least one of these molestations could have been prevented.
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>> of a lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley she has good qualities and i'm sure that she has done wonderful things in your life but this was a big failure on a big day. >>pam: that was rob fladeboe. >> fire investigators are calling this beauty salon blaze an act of arson. they found a molotov cocktail. it is at magic touch beauty erupted late on the sunday night. it did a lot of damage. the salon opened about 1.5 years ago and they say that the owners are being cooperative. nearby businesses or also impacted by the fire. terisa saying that they have lost everything. >> although nothing caught on fire here just two doors down at the magic touch the smoke damage is profound. this is the general manager. >> we of about 60 mattresses that are damaged. coming
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this is particularly devastating because this is organics of certainly wiped out. >> correct. this is all final we cannot resolve these or take a back to the warehouse. we just have to discard them. >> there is also damage in the building something that the owners will have to deal with. >> i've not spoken to the contractor. but i imagine that we are going to have to cut into the ceiling. >> at that massage days bob this business was shut down all day. however, this bartender said that they got lucky. they were fined. in pleasantville, terisa estacio, kron 4. there were -- okay. by just opening up a few windows. >> and with this crazy weather it deals just like summer. this was near at&t park. and just how hot did
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it get and how long is this going to last? jacqueline has the answer. >> it got hot enough to break record temperatures. oakland, san jose all and nearly tied previous records in mountain view. 80s with san jose, santa rosa and all of those new records here is a look at the rest of the temperatures. this afternoon, 70's, 80's. 79 degrees in half moon bay with 78 in the san rafael. in the 21 fremont 84 degrees in san jose and we do have another warm day on tap. house 73 in san francisco, hayward, redwood city and that re warm weather is continuing we will tell you all about it, coming up.
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>>pam: still ahead, kron 4 political analyst michael yaki will be here to take us down the homestretch of the presidential campaign. and what stage will be voting on the issue of same-sex marriage tomorrow. plus, the investigation of a horrific accident ought a pet's board zoo when a young boy was mauled to death by wild dogs pittsburgh -- su a zoo in pittsburgh
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>pam: while most people could be focused on the presidential race tomorrow there will be for states that will be taking up a controversial topic. same- sex marriage. j. r. stone? >> when it comes to gay marriage tuesday could be historic for thousands. same-sex measures will be on the ballot in four different states with minnesota, the state of maine, maryland, washington. if any of those are successful? it will be the first time that kate marriage is legalized by a popular vote. if-gay marriage--the state of maine could be the first without prior legislation. minnesota could band but allow civil unions. maryland and washington state will both decide weather to uphold a legislative moves that legalize same-sex marriage.
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tuesday's election before time they have dialed and on this issue since president barack obama provided support just last month. >> curley six states and washington d.c. have legalized gay marriage but it is not hot only hot topic. six states including marijuana use, currently, six states and the district of columbia have legalized a marriage. >>pam: the campaign for both president obama and mitt romney are making their final push before votes in the final 24 hours. michael yaki who do think as the most confidence? >> i do not think that any real confidence right now but i think that what we saw today are two very tired candid it said. trying to boost supporters. candid its. of the preaching to the choir at these rallies at the last minute?
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>> they are preaching to the choir but is that you need to get these people to the polls. this is about voter turnout. the polls say what they are but the fact that it is people wanting to do this it >>pam: what is each banking on tomorrow? >> about mitt romney campaign is thinking that 1/2 of enthusiasm gap between the other. if you could outperform the other expectation chicken change a percentage point. with it being that close -- you can change a percentage point. >> i heard david l. of fraud that he thinks they're going to hear the electoral votes it david axelrod- >> and perhaps i do not know what he is going to be betting on but i think that
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liberal college will be back a fine will see that iu brin example get florida you conducted a poll out tonight or virginia. and if those two did not go and it is so high of then it will be a nail biter. >>pam: committee last minute campaigns are being presented is that impacting people's decision? the black-white not that much. however,--perhaps not quite that much-- >>pam: and really quickly the voter suppression efforts. to discourage people from going to the polls were you anticipating? the lawsuits. you are going to get absentee ballots,
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voter ballots would ever you can think of is going to come down to the discretion of local officials which is going be lawsuit. >> that is what turned out is so important. >> correct. >>pam: thank you you follow michael yaki online and we will have extended live coverage at 8:00 p.m. and also stay updated on our website. facebook and twitter. >>jacqueline: clear skies. that fog is well offshore. from the bay bridge toll plaza temperatures still of the mild side in the '70s and oakland. 77 degrees 75 in redwood city. and temperatures are getting into the 60s for portions of the inland valleys. the satellite showing that fog
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is well off to the shore. the storm track as well up to the north but not much rainfall. however, this pattern is going to start to break down. tomorrow, sunny and warm conditions but temperatures will be near the record high. and cooler air will start to filter in and fog returning. temperatures will drop about 10 degrees and continue in on cool ranges by thursday. tomorrow, carefully enjoy in other nice day it will be chilly in the north bay. - mild to the golden gate and by noon qui even east. we will stay there until by 3:00 p.m. but i think along the coast we could start to see the sea breezes returning. temperatures will be cooling
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off by 3:00 p.m.. as for the south bay 70's, 80's and 80's in cupertino. and a mixture of '70s and '80s for th inlan valleys. for the east bayshore and 73 degrees in the gallaudet. the coast could see early 10's-alameda-with early '60s 70's and a nice warm day to more before things start will cool down on wednesday. thursday there is even a chance of showers. we will see improving conditions for the weekend. stay with us .
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>>catherine: the pittsburgh zoo is expected to open tomorrow. this is today's after a little boy was mauled to death by african wild dogs after falling into the exhibit. police say that
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two year-old mother had put the child on a wooden railing so he'd have a better view. the dogs immediately attacked. >> the question came the why did not the staff go in and it was too dangerous and it was determined almost immediately. to call the veterinarian to know that it was not going to help. it was too late. >> there is an investigation and the su is saying that the exhibit meet or exceed all safety standards. the pits for to exhibit meant all of the standards for safety the pittsburgh is tzoo
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woman: oh! tully's. how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa. and you'll always find your favorite. woman #2: with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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>>pam: the man accused of damaging the muni bus appears in court. and to the record sales for apple. thanks in part to the new ipad template devices
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sleep train has your ticket to tempur-pedic. experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free delivery? that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is on now.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> in san francisco a man that was accused of smashing a muni bus was in court. he pled " not guilty " to phelan elite band led som fel vandalism. he says that he is very sorry but he is hoping that people are able to forgive him. and with two counts of felony vandalism there could be more charges pending. >> continuing our coverage of the giants fan that was beaten up as he tried to keep these vandals from setting fire to that same bus. >> it is difficult to see the city does respected forum so-called fans. it is difficult to seat the city
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does respected. >> this san francisco native will receive recognition for his efforts. maureen kelly, kron 4. >> a guilty verdict of this san francisco lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley was charged with a simple misdemeanor for failing to report a teacher of abusing children. craig chandler is allegedly molesting five girls. the principle is sentenced to 100 hours of community service and the $100 fine. >> governor brown is making one final push for proposition dirty. andsan francisco for proposition 30. he was joined by ed lee. and ford dianne feinstein of
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proposition 30. they all want people to vote " yes ". in san francisco, dan kerman, kron 4. >> at the el veego registrars' offices the votes are coming out. at the lme the registrar's office. >> i want to get my vote and at the elevator record stores office. i knew that i had to go out and vote early at the alameda registrar's office. >> it is easy. the lines are not long and is easy. >> in richmond the soda if voters pass this controversial measure it would pass a one penny per ounce on sugary drinks. this would not apply to choose
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o juice or milk. >> we do not know what the impact would be on the hurricane would be on the election. however, new jersey, you can see that this area that was mean the republican was damaged but to the north, this was nearly entirely democratic. coming up we will have a closer in-depth look at this map. charles clifford, kron 4. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> if you look around some cities it is not difficult to see the graffiti. nearly
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50 percent is graffiti attackers. this is the oakland railroad tracks. tonight at 8:00 p.m. i will take a look of just how bad this is. in the next edition of people behaving badly. >>jacqueline: our big weather story is the record setting temperatures. and here is a look at the records that we broke. san francisco, oakland, redwood city all add 80s. and mountain view, tied the previous record of 83. '70s and '80s. 80s in cupertino. '70s along the east " shore. '60s and '70s. the
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coast. cooler weather on tap and the rainfall returning late thursday and friday. also temperatures are going to be significantly cooler. >>catherine: it has been one week since super storm sandy has caused widespread devastation. a nearly 100 people have died and power is still out for hundreds of thousands of people. election officials are saying that they are optimistic. schools have been slowly getting back into session but getting around these tri-state it is difficult. with the tunnel
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to new york city still closed. they are using ferries. the wait has been ours. this is the people using the ferries the week has been several hours. and some pluses are being allowed to the holland tunnel but it is still difficult and some-city buses are being allowed. the investigation of price gouging in the aftermath. with a lot of businesses accused of hiking prices. and there are questions of groceries and hardware stores. hundreds of consumer complaints. price gouging and times of emergency is illegal under new york law. stay with us.
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] start with an all new award winning car. good. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out.
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[ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea. real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. heading into the holidays you look for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, get a super low price on tide, $10.99 for 100 ounces. 12 rolls of bounty are $11.99. that's a dollar a roll! and charmin is $11.99 for 30 rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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>>pam: apple sold nearly double of what the up performance of what analysts thought. of what it-some performances thought. some retail locations still of certain models available. >> and sports, the raiders are battering and trying to reougr after the lost to the tampa bay buccaneers. and good news for the cancer battle coach.
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♪ >> good evening, everybody. you think that there would be able to handle tampa bay. however, dog martin ripped
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off to order 51 yds. the rookie scored four touchdowns and three of those one for 45 yds or more. and on the flip side, you have to ask is the zero is going to get hurt? he sprained his ankle yesterday's. state lost. > -- they lost. >> his mri and extra was negative. we will see how it did respond with not ruled him of for this weekend's game. >> there we go, would like to freeze the shot. three-5. and they are host to rams and jim harbaugh what has he done? >> he has done a lot of fun stuff mainly visiting room
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the house. we went to a record store. the tory store. demo to diligence toy store -- and >> to not go into this field unless you want to take abuse. it used to be that if a coach now that you are supposed to just be a robot. and if you go to school, you get an education and a coach will say that you are a group of dummies.
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you make no money. your clothes are chablis and i make $5 million i can say what ever want in your clothes are-shabby. >> and if you can get away with it, you can get away with it. it is a shame. they would rather be at a press conference and have no power and get bored. however, this business used to be? >> to be more challenging. the last man standing. they just teach these.
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>> what would jim harbaugh do if he challenged he was challenged? >> i will let me that these press conferences are difficult but i think that jim harbaugh is the type of guy that most fed if you keep it to a and a lot of that he would probably be okay. >> i want you to see you do it. >> he would not come on with me. >> san jose sta state quarterback was the player of the week and the will victory over idaho. and if you want a great sports moment this was really tremendous. the indianapolis colts. the coach has been battling leukemia. he announced that he is in remission and could return to the december 30th. andrew luck spoke.
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>> i am going to seek to more daughters, and dance at their weddings. and also hoist at lombardi's several more times. we are going to hoist that. >> it makes you want to root for in indianapolis. >> at this fracture in his leg is that he was going to miss a week however he could miss nearly four weeks. the lakers are off. and the warriors coming up are going to be plying the kings and david orti half but he blasted s former manager. and maybe with good reason. valentine was upset. and he tried to apologize he is not good to
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accept it and he does not want to talk to crazy men. let us take a break and when we come back we are going to discuss how much money milky cabrera. this parting guesgift catherine heenan will join me with a new segment called we are on television and we know everything. back in a moment.
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this this
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>> we could not wait. she is back catherine heenan is back from vacation. welcome. >> it is great to be back. >> did malcolm cooper deserve -covered desert to get his money? milky cabrera? does he deserve that money. >> if he was cheated one and
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he would not even get a full players share. however, they each received a $300,000 per person. and by a rule he is in there. and it would be interesting to ask the players. and it does not matter he is still receiving three and a thousand dollars. and it is as if hhis cheating helped. he is still going to receive $300,000. >> the dallas mavericks owner cuban is offering $1 million to donald trump if the wil if hehe will shave his head. >> this started when donald
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trump. it all... millions of dollars for the president to offer up his birth to a certificate. and $1 million? did you can show off all you want but it reaches a point when people just laugh. nobody cares. >> jerry jones was locked out of the cowboys' locker room after the loss to the falcons i do not know if this is delivered. is that bad? >> this is brutally honest. he just i do not see... are going to they're not going to lock him out on payday. >> and also will the colts
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are letting patent pending go and they are both planning well how did that go? patent manning? >> and catherine heenan is back. patent manning patent peyton manning [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan.
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rethink possible. the stars are making their last minute public pleas to fight for their candidate. >> and how the media is gearing up today to cover the extremely close election. i'm brooke anderson. >> and i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. >> one more day. >> america is going to come roaring back. >> i'm not tired, and i'm not weary. >> neck and neck campaigns in overdrive. we're behind the scenes with how the networks are ramping up 24/7 coverage. >> you can see, we're upstairs at our brand new election headquarters. >> this will be our home for the next couple of days. >> as hollywood unleashes new public pleas. >> governor romney would take us backwards. >> what about the guy that looks like dracula? >> she means paul ryan. >> sharon osbourne's double m t mastectomy announcement today. >> i wasn't diagnosed with breast cancer. >> why she made the decision to have surgery,


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